
BBQ Rotisserie Split Chicken


Here at BBQ Spit Rotisseries we often get asked “how do you cook a BBQ Rotisserie split chicken in a wire basket?” and the truth is, it's just about the easiest thing to do.




I started with a whole chicken and split it down the middle as well as buying a few extra drumsticks. Next came the brining liquid and here’s where people get stuck on what to use and to be honest anything will do the trick. I used what I had on hand which included beer, lemon wedges, salt and pepper and onion powder. Next, I simply put the chicken and brine into a sealed bag and let it rest overnight. So why use a brine? I choose to use a brining process to add and bring out the natural flavours in the meat.


After allowing the chicken to soak in the brine overnight, I fired up the Flaming Coals Mini Charcoal Spit. Using all-natural mallee root charcoal and the Flaming Coals Charcoal Starter Wand to ignite the charcoal, it was all ready to go in under 10mins. Next, I got the basket attached to the skewer and started to place the chicken from the brine in. After that the fire was ready, I put the skewer onto the Mini Spit and started cooking low and slow.





About 2hrs into the cook, it was time to top up the charcoal so I grabbed a hand full and placed it on the already hot coals. The unlit charcoal will naturally catch from the already burning charcoal, however, I wanted to get the fire cranking a little more so I took out the Flaming Coals Charcoal Fire Wand and put it on the fan setting at got the flames to the point that the fresh charcoal was quickly alight.







4 hours later the BBQ Rotisserie split chicken was ready. It was not only soft and moist but had a flavour imparted in the meat from the brine. What a feast!!



 While it is possible to have this meal cooked in around 1 hour, I prefer to cook at lower temperatures for a longer period of time. This makes the BBQ Rotisserie split chicken moister and will mean that the meat will fall off the bone.


You can also check out our previous blog post about cooking chicken on a spit.




By: Michael Wilkie

