Smoking Wood

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BBQ Smoking Wood

Wood can typically be purchased in chips, chunks, pellets and even splits. What form you buy your wood in will depend on what type of meat smoker you are smoking in. For example, if you're using a charcoal smoker like an offset or bullet smoker, you'll need wood chunks or splits as pellets and chips will burn too quickly. On the flip side, if you have an electric smoker, gas smoker or even a gas BBQ, you'll need either pellets or wood chips. Wood chunks are generally too large to be used in electric or gas smokers and if used usually struggle to light up.

Smoking chips:

  • Burn faster

  • Used for a light quick smoke

  • A handful or two generally smoke up to 20 minutes

  • Ideal for gas smokers, electric smokers and gas BBQs using a smoking box

  • Soaking chips for 30 minutes prior to use will prolong their burn and smoker more that light up and flame

Smoking Chunks:

  • Longer burn time

  • Create more smoke and therefore a better flavour

  • Perfect for those low slow cooks

  • 3 -5 chunks are usually enough for most cooks and smokers

  • Ideal for offset smokers, bullet smokers, gravity feed smokers and kettle BBQs

Wood smoking Splits:

  • Usually used as a substitute for charcoal or briquets

  • Creates both heat, smoke and flavour

  • Much longer burn time

  • Generally used in offset smokers

  • Ironbark smoking splits are the most popular in Australia

Our staff live and love to BBQ. They have cooked in most smoker designs and can offer you the best advice on what type of smoking timber you should use in your smoker type and what timber flavour your should use for the protein you are cooking. You can get in contact with us either via email, phone, live chat, or come and visit us in-store in Seaford, Melbourne. If you know what you are after then you can easily buy online and let us ship your smoking wood and smoker accessories directly to you Australia-wide. 

Do you like to grill outside in the summer? Smoking meat can be a great way to add flavour and juiciness to your favourite cuts. There are many different ways to smoke meat, but one of the most popular is using wood chips, chunks or pellets in your BBQ.

In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between smoking with wood chips, chunks and pellets, as well as help you figure out which type of wood is best for smoking your favourite meat. We will also discuss what's the best type of timber to use in your reverse flow smokergravity feed smoker or even your gas BBQ. We will go through some basic instructions on how to use smoking wood chips and smoking chunks.

Smoking pellets are made from compressed sawdust that has been formed into small cylinders called pellets. Pellets can be made from any type of wood, but the most popular varieties for smoking are hickory, mesquite and apple. Smoking pellets are easy to use and give off a lot of smoke, making them great for beginners.

Smoking chunks are larger pieces of wood that have been cut into uniform sizes. Chunks can be made from any type of wood, but the most popular varieties for smoking are hickory chunks, mesquite chunks and apple chunks. Smoking chunks burn slower than pellets and give off a more subtle flavour.

Smoking chips are small pieces of wood that have been shaved or chipped off of larger pieces. Chips can be made from any type of wood, but the most popular varieties for smoking are hickory chips, mesquite chips and apple chips. Smoking chips burn quickly and give off a lot of smoke, making them great for experienced smokers that have their smoking technique down-packed.

No matter which type of wood you choose, make sure it is completely dry before using it to smoke meat. Wet green wood will not only produce less smoke, but it can also give your meat a bitter flavour. 

Use whatever type of smoking wood you prefer, but keep in mind that different woods will impart different flavours to your meat. If you're smoking chicken, you might want to try a milder wood like apple or cherry. For beef or pork, however, a stronger-flavoured wood like hickory, ironbark or mesquite is a better choice.

When it comes to smoking wood, chips, chunks and pellets all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Smoking pellets are the most convenient option since they're easy to store and come in a variety of flavours. Smoking chunks burn longer than chips and provide more smoke flavour. However, they can be difficult to find and may need to be cut down to fit in your smoker. Smoking chips burn quickly and provide a lot of smoke flavour. Smoking chips are the simplest type of smoking wood to use, but they don't last as long as chunks or pellets.

Happy Smoking!