Oklahoma Joe's Highland Reverse Flow Offset Smoker
Can't choose between a traditional offset smoker or reverse flow smoker? Can't decide what is better? Well, the Oklahoma Joe's Highland Reverse Flow Offset Smoker lets you experiment with both smoker styles. Its unique design lets you switch between traditional offset smoking and reverse flow smoking, by moving the smoke stack location to either the back for a reverse flow setup or the left for your traditional offset setup. Four removable cook chamber baffles ensure even heat and smoke throughout the cooking chamber. The Highland reverse flow smoker is supplied with a large charcoal basket and manufactured from high-temperature, heavy-gauge steel. This reverse-flow offset smoker is both convenient and durable.
- Options to choose between reverse flow smoking and traditional offset smoking by moving the chimney location
- Even heat and smoke distribution through the cooking chamber is provided by the four baffles
- Big charcoal basket for a more constant, longer burn, easier tending and quicker clean-up
- Quick and easy cleanup due to the convenient firebox door
- Added cooking versatility provided by the warming area on the firebox
- Heat-resistant handles (cool touch)
- Professional temperature gauge for accurate monitoring
- Wagon-style wheels for easy mobility
- At hand, cooking utensils and additional fuel storage are provided by the bottom shelf
If you think this smoker isn't big enough to feed all your family and friends then have a look at the larger Oklahoma Joe's Longhorn Reverse Flow Offset Smoker
- width: 1450 mm
- height: 1355 mm
- depth: 830 mm
- primary cooking area: width 86 cm; depth 44 cm (3784 sq.cm)
- secondary cooking area: 1813 sq. cm
- weight: 82 kg
Oklahoma Joe's Highland Reverse Flow Smoker - Product Walkthrough