Ultimate Spit Accessory Kit - Flaming Coals
This Ultimate Spit Accessory kit was put together with items that we use every time we fire up the spit or charcoal BBQ. It comprises of a charcoal chimney starter to help light your charcoal or heat beads, a pair of BBQ Gloves - Long Sleeve Heat Resistant by Flaming Coals to protect your hands when you are close to the fire, a charcoal rake to assist you with moving your charcoal around and creating your preferred cooking zones and finally an instant-read digital thermometer which is a must if you want to know when your food is cooked to perfection. After reading about these accessories for your Spit Roaster or Charcoal BBQ I'm sure you now understand how they will benefit you while BBQing.
Spit Roast Accessory Pack Includes: