Wood Heater|Fireplace Firestarter Pack
If you currently have a fireplace or just moved into a house with a wood heater fireplace, the Wood Heater|Fireplace Firestarter Pack is a complete and affordable package of the essential items you need when you use a Fireplace. The included items in this pack will make the little tasks of starting your fire and maintaining your woodheater/fireplace easier and less strenuous.
This great package contains anything you need, from firelighters to chimney cleaners. These items are necessary if you own a fireplace or a wood heater.
*If you don't clean the chimney for a long time, a material called creosote builds up in the flue during fireplace use. This creosote is extremely flammable and can spark a serious and uncontrollable fire inside the chimney.
Wood Sling
- Easily carry wood and kindling to your wood heater or fireplace
- Folds when not in use
- Durable Black woven polyester
Sureburn Firelighters - 24 Snap-off block
- All-natural - Quick to light - No smell - Waterproof Firelighters
- Clean, environmentally friendly and reliable firelighters
- Made in Australia
Soot Loose - 2 x 50g sachets
- Australia's #1 Chimney and flue Cleaner
- Non-hazardous and non-flammable easy and safe to use
- Reduces carbon emissions
- Increases heater's efficiency
- Organic-based solvent
- With regular use, Soot-Loose will prevent the build-up of creosote
- Dissolves the tar, creosote and soot in your chimney/flue
- Made in Australia
Woodheater Door Glass Cleaner - 2 pack
- Fast effective dry-cleaning - use without using any extra cleaning agent
- Non-hazardous formula easy and safe to use
- Made in Germany