
Easy Brisket Recipe for Beginners


A simple beginner's brisket recipe for those who want to learn how to smoke a brisket with the SnS Grills Kettle BBQ, Weber Kettle or any Kettle style BBQ and using the Slow 'N Sear charcoal tray insert. In this recipe, we will use our SnS Kettle Grill Combo with the included Slow n Sear Deluxe


When shopping for beef, make sure to pay attention to the "Grade." In most stores, you will have three options: "Select," "Choice," and "Prime" (Prime being the best). Inspect the package and ensure that the brisket you select has good marbling; this is the most important aspect of shopping to ensure a juicy brisket! Looking at the package can also help you determine how much trimming is required.


Remove your brisket from its packaging two days before you intend to cook it and begin the trimming process. The fat side should be trimmed to 1/4 inch (6mm), leaving enough fat to render but not too much. Make sure to get rid of as much of the hard fats as possible. The top side of the Brisket will receive the majority of our attention. It is critical to remove as much hard fat and silver skin as possible while minimizing waste. While trimming, keep in mind that the brisket will release moisture as it cooks. During this time, you want the moisture to have an escape route so that it doesn't "pool" on top of the brisket. If possible, keep the knife from digging too far when trimming to prevent pooling areas from forming.

This image shows a man trimming the fat of the brisket and preparing to cook it is a Kettle BBQ while following the easy Brisket Recipe

Dry Salt Brine

This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT step in obtaining a juicy and delectable brisket. Once you've finished trimming, cover the Brisket in Course Kosher Salt using an equation of 1/2 teaspoons per pound of meat (45grams), OR do what I do and salt it like you would any other piece of meat without overdoing it. This has always been effective for me. This process will extract moisture from the meat, liquify the salt, and then allow the salt to re-absorb with the moisture into the meat, bringing the salt with it. This will add a lot of flavours, tenderize the meat, and help it form that beautiful "bark" on the outside. Once salted, place the Brisket in a foil tray with a rack inside to keep it from touching the bottom. Place it in the fridge, uncovered, for 1-2 days before cooking. After you remove the brisket from the fridge, coat it in a saltless seasoning rub. We have a salt free rub recipe for you down the bottom.


This image shows a brisket seasoned with salt.
This image shows a brisket seasoned with bbq rub

Setup of the Grill

For this cook, use the low and slow charcoal starting method. We'll be cooking at a temperature between 250 and 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Begin with a full Slow 'N Sear of charcoal (you can add a couple of wood chunks underneath the coals if you want) and light a wax cube or tumbleweed at one end of the SNS, then cover it with a couple of briquettes but allow it to breathe. Allow it to catch for a few minutes before closing the grill lid. Open your vents completely until the grill reaches a temperature of 75-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, gradually close your vents until you've reached your desired temperature. For this cook, I used the "Smoke Hole" as my bottom vent. Details on this can be found in the video. You can use the lid thermometer to monitor temperature, but I recommend a remote thermometer for both cooker and meat temperatures.


This image shows a Slow N Sear with lit charcoal and Drip and Roast Pan with foil



Place your brisket on the indirect side of the grill and cook until the bark on the outside is set. “Set” means that it holds and does not move when touched. This usually occurs around the time or shortly after the meat enters the "stall." Once the bark has hardened, wrap the Brisket in aluminium foil or butchers paper and re-insert the temperature probe into the cooker. Just make sure the bark is set BEFORE wrapping, as this is an important part of the cooking process. Allow the Brisket to cook until it is tender.

This image shows a brisket placed on the opposite side of the heat on SNS Kettle

When is it Done?

If there is a standard for this, it is usually when the Brisket reaches an internal temperature of 200-205 degrees Fahrenheit. When the brisket probes tender, it's time to remove it from the oven.

This image shows a cooked brisket on SNS Kettle


Allowing the Brisket to rest after cooking is ESSENTIAL. It's best to wrap the Brisket in towels in a cooler (lid cracked to prevent it from continuing to cook. Allow for 1-2 hours of resting time.


Remove the Brisket from the foil and place it on a cutting board to rest. Take note of the grain pattern on the brisket and cut against the grain. Typical slices are pencil thickness, but this is entirely subjective.

This image shows a man slicing the brisket

Now you can serve and enjoy!

Beef Rub Recipe

This is the ideal dry rub recipe for creating a rich, flavorful, crunchy crust known as Mrs. Brown's bark on brisket, beef ribs, steak, and other meats.

Makes: About ½ cup

Servings: 96 ¼ - teaspoon servings

Prep Time: 10 minutes


1.) 3 tablespoons coarsely ground black pepper
2.) 1 tablespoon granulated white sugar
3.) 1 tablespoon onion powder
4.) 2 teaspoons mustard powder
5.) 2 teaspoons garlic powder
6.) 2 teaspoons American chilli or ancho powder
7.) 1 teaspoon chipotle or cayenne powder

In a mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Use on burgers, brisket, or beef ribs, as shown in the video. If you aren't going to use it right away, keep the rub in a tightly sealed bottle in a dark place. Its quality will gradually deteriorate, but it should be fine up to a year later. First, try it.

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