The Perfect Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe using a Weber Kettle

If you're a fan of grilled cheese sandwiches, then you know that there's nothing quite like the perfect one. And if you're looking to take your grilled cheese game up a notch, then grilling your sandwich on a weber kettle equipped with the SnS Plancha (hotplate) is the way to go! In this post, we'll show you how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich on your weber kettle bbq using a plancha hotplate, as well as provide some tips and tricks for getting the perfect results. So whether you're a grill master or just getting started, read on for everything you need to know about making the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. Let's get started!
Step 1: Begin by buttering the outside of your bread, the thicker the better (we didn’t say this was going to be healthy!).

Step 2: Grate your cheese - we prefer a mixture of white cheddar, red cheddar, a little parmesan, and gruyere cheese. You don’t have to use this combo, but we think it works the best!
Step 3: Put your bread onto the preheated plancha butter side down! Now put your cheese on top of the bread.

Step 4: Keep spinning your bread - the plancha can have a hotter side and a cooler side so we don’t want these bad boys to burn!
Step 5: When your cheese starts to melt it’s time to put the two slices of bread together to make your sandwich.

Step 6: Now butter the outside of your bread (again). This will help achieve that PERFECT golden crunch!
Step 7: Flip the sandwich, butter the reverse side and then wait until you’re happy with the level of toasting.

Step 8: Eat immediately! Beware - this recipe is SERIOUSLY addictive!

The perfect grilled cheese on a kettle bbq is something that anyone can learn to do, no matter what your skill level. All you need is the proper ingredients and equipment, and in today's blog, we showed you just how to do it. We are sure if you follow these steps, you'll be able to have your own perfect grilled cheese in no time. Don't forget to check out our website for more tips, tricks and recipes! Plus, be sure to check out all the products we used in today's cooking adventure so you can make your own perfect grilled cheese. With the right tools and ingredients, everyone can become a master of barbecue and make delicious meals they can enjoy with their family and friends. Thank You for reading!
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Check out our SNS Kettle BBQ Accessories
by: Michael Wilkie