
Ribeye Steak - A beginner guide to perfect Grill marks

Ribeye Steak - A beginner guide to perfect Grill marks

Few things in life can compare to the joy of grilling a ribeye steak in your backyard. Cooking a meal for your family or just for yourself, opening a cold one as you wait for the grill marks to appear on a juicy steak... That is how life should really be.

This is the best backyard ribeye steak recipe, so keep reading!


  • 1 in. thick Ribeye Steak
  • Cow Cover Hot Rub
  • SPG Rub
  • 1 Stick of Salted Kerrygold Butter (Gold Pack)
  • Finley Ground Pink Himalayan Salt 


Buy steaks that have a large cap and good fat marbling throughout the meat, with little to no fat between the cap and the rest of the steak. Trim the outside of the steak of any extra fat and silver skin. To make your steak softer, use a fork or a knife (optional). Apply a medium application of SPG and a medium coat of Cow Cover Hot to both sides. After that, allow the steaks to rest for an hour in a cool place.

To give your fire time to warm up to temperature of 550-650oF (288-343oC), light it 45 to 60 minutes before you are ready to cook. Melt a stick of butter in a small foil pan while the grill is getting hot, then stir in the steak rub. Spray cooking spray on the side of the steak that will be facing downward before placing it on the grill.

To assist press the steak down and maintain straight grill marks, place the steak on the grill and gently place a steak weight on it.

Cook for 1 minute and 15 seconds with the lid on. To get diamond grill marks, lift it, reapply duck fat to the grates, and rotate it by 40 degrees. For a further one minute and fifteen seconds, cook. Reapply the duck fat spray after rotating to the opposite side.

At about 127°F (53°C), turn off the heat for a medium- to medium-rare steak. It will continue to cook in its juices until it reaches 130-140oF (55-60oC). R

Remove the steak from the grill when it reaches the proper temperature and place it in a foil pan. Over the top, drizzle with the seasoned butter. The steak should rest for 10 minutes with the pan covered. Over the meat, sprinkle the finely ground Himalayan salt. If you want a little extra pop, add some Texas Beef rub (optional).

Finally, present your steaks to your loved ones and get ready to save the day!

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