BBQ Spit Rotisseries Giving its Fareshare
BBQ Spit Rotisseries has been a longtime supporter of Melbourne charity FareShare.

In July 2014 we were brainstorming how we could do more to help FareShare, as well as help potential new customers, decide whether the product they were looking at buying was right for them. This is when the idea of "donating for a review" was born. Since July, customers who purchased online from us received an email around 10 days after their purchase asking them to leave a review on our website and that BBQ Spit Rotisseries will donate $5 to FareShare.
We'd love to do more to help FareShare and to get more reviews on our website so we'll continue the promotion until the end of October. If you haven't yet left a review, simply navigate to the product you purchased from us, scroll down to the review section and post a new review. There is no need to create an account to sign in. It is that easy!
So why FareShare?
FareShare provides free, tasty, nutritious meals to Victoria's hungry using donated food not needed by supermarkets, farmers and markets.
‘Rescuing’ food is food that would otherwise be wasted, ending up in landfills. And in saving food from landfills, they also do our bit for the planet by helping to cut methane pollution and reducing demand for new food products.

FareShare is a not-for-profit community organisation operating on a modest budget - thanks to the generosity of philanthropic foundations, businesses and private donors. Through the tremendous passion and commitment of volunteers and staff, FareShare continues to increase the amount of food rescued and nutritious meals prepared and given away to charities.
Reviews are an important part of any business, particularly a business where 85% of its sales are generated online. To help fellow customers with their purchasing decision and FareShare, simply go to the BBQ Spit Rotisseries website, select the product you purchased from us and leave us an honest review.
By: Rhiannon Peterson