How to grill Lamb Cutlets
How to BBQ Lamb Cutlets on a PK Grill

Hi guys, Kieran here from Q ‘n Up BBQ. We’ve got some Sovereign Gold lamb racks that we’re going to trim & slice into cutlets, then marinade overnight.
Start by removing a bit of the fat cap. Leaving a small amount on (3mm or so) is great for flavour, but too much can be a pest to render out. Locate the joints of the cutlets, then slice between these using a sharp boning knife.

For the marinade, we’ll use a large bowl and add the cutlets, along with some extra-virgin olive oil. Toss the cutlets to coat in the oil evenly.
Next, we want to finely chop & deseed some red chilis. You can choose to keep the seeds in or remove them – personally, I like the flavour of the chili without the excess heat.
Finely chop a large bunch of fresh coriander (Devil's Weed). Grate & zest a whole orange. Add all of this to the bowl of cutlets, along with salt & pepper, with a tablespoon of minced garlic. Toss the lamb & marinade ingredients in the bowl until covered well. Wrap the bowl in cling wrap and refrigerate overnight.

We’ve removed the bowl of lamb from the fridge now and will let it stand while we set up our grill. We’re going to be using the PK Grill today for grilling these cutlets. I love this unit.

Light up some lump charcoal or in a chimney, then dump them into the PK once the fire from the chimney is roaring.
Remove the cutlets from the bowl and put them straight on the grill. You should be hearing it sear as soon as it hits the deck. These won’t take long to cook. Check for a bit of char and flip, adding more marinade if there’s any remaining in the bowl.

As always, remove to a plate, cover loosely with foil to rest for 5 minutes.
I like to serve these with mashed sweet potato and steamed greens. An easy, fuss-free weekday meal.

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by: Michael Wilkie