How to smoke Lamb Shoulder on the Flaming Coals Offset Smoker
Step 1: Remove all the excess fat and skin from the lamb shoulder
Step 2: Season the lamb with your favourite seasoning, today we are using the Slow Burner BBQ ‘Lamb Lifter’ rub.
Step 3: Place the lamb into the Flaming Coals Offset smoker running at 275 Fahrenheit
Step 4: Spritz with apple juice every 30 to 40 minutes.
Step 5: When the lamb reaches an internal temperature of 160 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit it‚time to wrap!
Step 6: Place the meat side down on a bed of butter, top with apple juice and wrap tightly in the foil.
Step 7: Place the lamb shoulder back into the Offset Smoker
Step 8: Once the lamb reaches an internal temperature of 205 degrees Fahrenheit remove it from the offset and allow it to rest.
Step 9: Once properly rested start to pull apart your lamb.
Step 10: Enjoy!
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