The Expert Guide to Cooking Prawns on the Auspit for Australia Day!
The Expert Guide to Cooking Prawns on the Auspit for Australia Day!

We all know that Australia Day isn't complete without a good old-fashioned BBQ and prawns are always the popular choice! Unfortunately, it can be easy to overcook your deliciously succulent prawns. Don't worry, though — with this expert guide on hand you'll confidently be able to satisfy even the pickiest of eaters! Keep reading so we can teach you how to cook up some amazing barbecue prawns ready for an unforgettable seafood experience and memorable Australia Day celebration!

Now we've all heard the Australian saying to "throw another shrimp on the barby" so today, we're going to do just that, but with prawns.
Today we're seasoning the prawns with the Flaming Coals gyros rub which is a great all-rounder Australian rub. I find the best way to season the prawns is to throw them into a bowl, sprinkle on the rub and then toss them through.

Once the prawns are all rubbed up, put them on the skewer and get them on the hot grill for about 10 minutes.

Once you start to see one side changing colour, flip them over and cook the other side.

Out of all the different food you can cook on a BBQ, prawns would be one of those things that's pretty hard to muck up.

Once they are ready, take them off the grill and serve them immediately! Enjoy!
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by: Rhiannon Peterson