Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

If you’ve ever wondered how to light charcoal using a chimney and firelighters, you’re not alone. At BBQ Spit Rotisseries, we frequently receive questions about this method, and today, we’re sharing our definitive guide to help you master it.

Why Use a Charcoal Chimney?

A charcoal chimney is one of the most efficient tools for getting your natural lump charcoal lit quickly and evenly. The design of the chimney allows for optimal airflow, ensuring that the charcoal ignites rapidly and thoroughly. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney

1. Choose the Right Charcoal: Begin by selecting natural lump charcoal over briquettes. Natural lump charcoal lights faster, burns hotter, and imparts a richer flavour to your food, making it the preferred choice for spit roasting.


Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

2. Fill the Charcoal Chimney: Fill your charcoal chimney to the top with the natural lump charcoal. The amount of charcoal you need depends on the size of your BBQ and the cooking time required, but filling the chimney ensures you’ll have plenty of heat to get started.

3. Prepare the Firelighters: Place three all-natural firelighters on the base of your BBQ. These firelighters are an eco-friendly option, and they burn cleanly, without adding any unwanted chemicals or odors to your cooking.

Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

4. Ignite the Firelighters: Using a lighter, ignite the firelighters. Once they are burning steadily, carefully place the charcoal-filled chimney over the lit firelighters. The design of the chimney will allow air to flow upwards, quickly igniting the charcoal from the bottom up.

5. Monitor the Process: As the firelighters do their job, you’ll notice smoke and flames rising through the chimney. This process takes about 25 minutes, during which the charcoal will start to glow and ash over. This is a sign that your charcoal is fully ignited and ready to use.

Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

6. Pour and Start Cooking: Once the charcoal is glowing red and covered with a thin layer of ash, carefully pour it into the base of your spit roaster. Spread the charcoal evenly, and you’re ready to start cooking!

Lighting Charcoal with a Chimney and Firelighters

Additional Tips for Optimal Results

  • Safety First: Always use heat-resistant gloves when handling the hot chimney. Charcoal chimneys can become extremely hot, and handling them with care is essential.
  • Even Heat Distribution: After pouring the lit charcoal into your spit roaster, arrange it evenly across the base. This ensures consistent heat distribution, allowing your meat to cook evenly on all sides.
  • Reuse Charcoal: If you have leftover charcoal at the end of your cooking session, you can reuse it for your next BBQ. Simply close the vents on your BBQ to extinguish the coals, and store them for later use.

Stay Connected for More Expert Advice

For more tips, tricks, and expert advice on all things spit roasting, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Feel free to leave your questions in the comments below, and if you found this guide helpful, don’t forget to give us a thumbs up.
At BBQ Spit Rotisseries, we’re committed to helping you become a master of spit roasting, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. By following this guide, you’ll not only make the process of lighting charcoal easier but also enhance the overall quality of your spit-roasted meals.

Check out spit roasting videos

Check out range of Charcoal 




by Rhiannon Peterson