
Spit Roasted Peri Peri Chicken Recipe

Spit Roasted Peri Peri Chicken Recipe 


This image shows Chicken Peri Peri cooked in a Flaming Coals Rotisserie Basket over hot charcoal

Mouthwatering Peri Peri Chicken Made Easy on a Jumbuck Mini Spit

Do you love peri chicken? If you do, you're going to love this recipe! In this blog post, we will show you how to cook peri-peri chicken on a jumbuck mini spit. This is a great recipe for summer gatherings with friends and family. The best part is that it's really easy to make - anyone can do it! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get cooking!

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Peri Peri Chicken Seasoning Recipe

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

1 x Chicken

1 x Peri Peri Chicken Rub

Olive Oil

If you want to try and make your own Peri Peri Chicken Seasoning then the following ingredients are the main ones used. You can adjust the quantity of each to suit for taste

  • 6 parts Sweet paprika
  • 6 parts Garlic powder
  • 3 parts Onion powder
  • 3 parts Oregano
  • 2 parts Cayenne pepper
  • 1 part Smoked paprika
  • 1 part  Salt
  • 1 part Ginger powder
  • 1 part Coriander leave
  • 1 part Cardamon powder
  • 1 part Nutmeg

Peri Peri Chicken Preparation Method

1. Begin by spatchcocking your chicken (removing the backbone)

This image shows Scott spatchcocking the chicken in preparation for peri peri chicken on a rotisserie

2. Pat your chicken dry with paper towels

3. Add olive oil and peri peri chicken rub in a bowl. Liberally baste your chicken with the mixture

This image shows applying the Peri Peri seasoning with olive oil to the chicken

4. Apply the Peri Peri seasoning to your chicken

5. Allow your chicken to rest for 5 minutes to allow the rub to adhere

6. Add your chicken to the rotisserie basket and get it on the jumbuck mini spit with your hardwood lump charcoal lit and ready to go! The chicken should take around 45 minutes to an hour depending on the heat of the charcoal.

7. Cut up some potatoes and season with Peri Peri Rub. Get them into the rotisserie tumbler cage and get them onto a mini spit. Pro-tip: you can parboil your spuds before spit roasting to help speed up the process. 

This image shows vegetables being cooked in Flaming Coals rotisserie tumbler cage basket

8. Prepare your corn by pouring the leftover olive oil and peri-peri rub mixture over them. Place them directly over the coals and cook until they are beautifully charred. When cooking corn over charcoal, it is best to turn the corn every 2 seconds or so so it doesn't burn. This is where the automatic rotating skewers on the Cyprus Grill make life easier.

9. Probe your chicken, once you hit 75° Celsius or 165° Fahrenheit it's time to take it off!

10. When your chips are golden and crunchy it's time to take them off and serve with the corn and chicken!

This image shows Corn, vegetables, and Delicious Chicken cooked in the Peri Peri feast

We hope you enjoy this epic jumbuck mini spit peri chicken feast!

Check out our BBQ recipe blogs

Check out our range of Charcoal Rotisseries

Want to learn how to master your jumbuck mini spit?