How to Tell When Your Charcoal is Ready for Cooking

How to Tell When Your Charcoal is Ready for Cooking

One of the most common questions we get from customers is, "How do I know when my charcoal is ready to start cooking?". In this guide, we'll walk you through the best practices for determining when your charcoal is ready.


How to Tell When Your Charcoal is Ready for Cooking

The Importance of Choosing the Right Charcoal

First and foremost, we always recommend using natural lump charcoal. Unlike briquettes, natural lump charcoal is made from pure wood, without any chemicals or additives. This all-natural option not only enhances the flavour of your food but also simplifies the lighting process. With natural lump charcoal, you don’t need to wait for the charcoal to completely ash over before you start cooking—unlike with briquettes.

How to Tell When Your Charcoal is Ready for Cooking

When is Natural Lump Charcoal Ready?

Once your natural lump charcoal has partially ashed over and you see some flames, you’re good to go. At this stage, the charcoal is hot enough to provide a consistent and even heat source for your spit roast. To ensure the heat is distributed evenly, use a charcoal rake to spread the lit charcoal across the base of your spit roaster. This will help you maintain the perfect cooking temperature throughout the process.


How to Tell When Your Charcoal is Ready for Cooking



If you prefer using briquettes, patience is key. Briquettes are much denser than natural lump charcoal and require more time to reach the optimal cooking temperature. As such, many briquettes are coated with an accelerant to make them easier to light. However, these chemicals can produce an odour as they burn, which may affect the taste of your food. That's why we strongly recommend waiting until the briquettes have completely ashed over before you start cooking. This ensures that any chemical residues have burned off and won’t interfere with the flavour of your roast.


Lighting Methods: How Long Does It Take?

The method you use to light your charcoal will also impact how long it takes to be ready for cooking:
  • Charcoal Chimney: If you're using a chimney, expect about 25 minutes for the charcoal to be fully lit and ready.
  • Fire Lighters: If you opt for fire lighters, it typically takes around 45 minutes to reach the ideal cooking temperature.
  • Charcoal Starter Wand: For the fastest results, a charcoal starter wand will have your charcoal ready in about 5 minutes.


Knowing when your charcoal is ready to cook is a fundamental skill for any spit-roasting enthusiast. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights and confidence for your next cook.
For more expert advice, tips, and tutorials on spit roasting, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to leave them in the comments below. Thank you for reading, and we’re here to help you master the art of spit roasting!


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By Rhiannon Peterson