Recipe for Smoked Sausage Balls

Recipe for Smoked Sausage Balls

You're sure to look forward to family recipe every holiday season because it has become a holiday favourite. Quick and simple to make, these smoked sausage balls are a flavourful treat.



* 1 16 oz. tube of Hot Breakfast Sausage
* 1 cup of Bisquick (or any baking mixture)
* 2 cups shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
* 1 Tbsp Kosmo's Q Killer Bee Chipotle Honey Rub



As we've said before, choosing the appropriate ingredients is the first step in every recipe. And spending an extra five minutes selecting the best ones can really help!

Take a look at the morning sausage you are getting in this instance. How much fat is there? Which spices already exist in it? These are questions that you know the right answers to - pick what you know you will enjoy.

Let's start cooking once that's resolved! Break up the sausage and combine it with the other ingredients in a big bowl. Mix thoroughly until combined.

Free tip: Adding the rub after having mixed in the Bisquick and cheese. It mixes easier that way. 

Now that you have a big "meat dough ball," you can move on to the next step of the procedure.



It's time to start the grill! You should be preparing this dish at a high temperature, roughly 400°F (204°C).

Form the balls in your hands using either your hands or a scoop. Depending on the size you create these, this recipe can yield up to 30 balls. Arrange them on a pan.

Place the meatballs in the pan on the grill, cover it, and cook them for 7 minutes. The balls are turned over and left in place for a further three to five minutes.



When the smoked sausage balls reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), they are finished. Pull them off the stove at that point. After allowing them to sit at room temperature for 3 to 5 minutes, you may serve them straight away!

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by: Michael Wilkie